Saturday 2 October 2010

Resident Evil Website Analysis

The first screen we see is the Homepage for the website. A large image is used to attract the audiences attention. The mise en scene and pose of the image links to the genre of the film because we can see the actor is holding props that associate to the action genre. The actors name is shown above the characters name linking to the character shown in the image. This shows that she is the most well know character i the movie,, as she is displayed on the main page. This image links to the target audience, 15 to late 20's men and woman, as the woman is shown as a domineering character, this would attract men as well as the element of guns and violence. The woman's facial expression is also very serious, this helps to establish the genre by showing that it is not a comedy, and keeps the link to an action movie. The institutions for the movie are shown at the top of the page. This shows that Sony is a Mainstream Institution and the smaller institutions are using the website as an advertising technique. Dark colours are used in the home page, this links to the genre of the movie as it is showing that it can be quite a dark film and the elements of violence show this. The font used on the page is sharp and silver. This connotes weapons and knifes which also shows a stereotypical link to weapons and violence during the movie. The font is also bold and strong, which might be linking to the representation of the character. The shards of glass that are falling help to show the violent impact from the image on the homepage. The violent aspect keeps the viewer questioning what is happening, and as only one character is shown, it leads to the viewer questioning why one woman needs violence and weapons. The audience are being enticed by the image and text. The reds and blacks on the page show the danger of the movie. As the red stands out so much, it links to blood. This is again creating a link to violence and the genre of the movie, without giving to much away. Also the words in red are "3D" which is showing the advance in media technology and is why the red is only used on his piece of text. The "Click to enter site" is shown with a snippet of the movie which makes the viewer want to enter the site as they want to find out more about the movie. The age rating of this movie is shown at the bottom of the age, this helps to also establish a target audience. The homepage shows a movie slogan at the bottom of the page,"experience a new dimension of evil" this is likely to be shown on the trailer and other advertising techniques. This helps the viewer the create a link between the advertisement of the movie.

The next page shown is the Main Menu Homepage. This hold the titles for each section of the website. The continuation of font and colour are used showing consistency and creating themed colours and fonts to associate the movie too. The character is also continuous, showing that she is the main protagonist of this movie. Her dominance remains in this image and the mise en scene still helps to create the theme of violence, danger and dominance. However, a different shot is used, as we now see a long shot of the woman rather than a mid shot. This shows the props the woman has and again connotes the violence. Glass shards are also used on this page to hold the text for the following pages, this shows creativity by the institution. The glass shards also connoted a break of equilibrium on the movie, showing a constant attack on the film. This gives the reader clues about what to expect on the movie. On this page, the release date for the movie is shown, this keeps the viewer enticed as as they read on through the website they find out more about the movie. The main titles for the website are shown at the bottom of the page and they are continued on every page of the website. The text "IMAX 3D" is an advertisement for technology used, and show that the movie is modern. The age rating is still shown on the page, showing the importance of the target audience. Institutions are still shown on the page but they are smaller, as they do not want to dominate the page.. There is also a link to facebook, this is a huge link between the target audience because they are the same age group that facebook is used at, showing that the website have done there research on the Target audience advertisement.

The third page is title "Assault on Umbrella". The title, actors and headings stay the same on this page, again showing the consistency. However this time we do see three shots of the main protagonist. The action theme is still portrayed in the images, through the props, pose and mise en scene., relating the the genre. The pages for the website are shown with the gunshots in the glass. This highlights the violence of the movie. The glass shards are also continued on this website page, as well as the colour theme and fonts. We can see the character is at a different setting that is lit up with bright lighting. This helps the viewer to work out the setting of the movie and help them to unravel the story. In this page we can also see smaller shots from the movie, that are quite faded. This is to keep the reader guessing ta what is happening in these mini shots.

The forth page is title "Over come the infected". The fonts and title remain the same, as do the glass shard and bullet shots on the page. However, the scene is different on this page. We see no main protagonist and the image looks like a fighting scene, the would link to the title of "overcome the infected" because the fight taking place will show who is the winner and who has overcome. We can also see red around the title and glass, this connotes blood which keeps the link the the action genre.
The 5th page is title "Search for survivors".This gives a clue as to what might happen in the movie. We can see that the scene is different and it looks more peaceful as it is set next to a lake. However, the jagged glass shards set a dark mood to the peaceful image and reminds us that there is darkness within the movie, even in the peaceful times. This gives the audience lots of clues about the movie. The main protagonist is shown in a long shot which makes it harder to identify.
The 6th page is titled "Track down Wesker". This page is different to the other 5 as it is a much lighter scene. The page is mainly white which is contrasting to the rest. Also the main protagonist is shown but another character is shown in the background making us question who this is. The characters are shown in darker colours showing that they are not at peace at this part of the movie.
The last page is titled "About the Film". This uses shots from the previous pages of the magazine and the text and font have previously been used to. This page also has the most text in it as it will be the most important to the viewer.

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