Sunday 17 October 2010

Full Length trailer VS. Teaser Trailer

A teaser trailer is usually between 30 to 90 seconds long, this means that it is limited on the information it can show. A teaser trailer also doesn't want to give to much away, it needs to keep the audience guessing and leave questions in there mind. A full length trailer is between 2 to 4 minuets and contains more of a storyline for a viewer. A teaser trailer is released a long time before the film, whereas a full length trailer is released closer to the films release date. This is so that the audience will be enticed through the time and will also create a bigger audience. A soundtrack is normally used, and this is the same int he teaser trailer and full length trailer so that a link can be created. A narrative voice over may be used, however it is more likely to be used in a full length trailer as it is longer and there is more time for a narrative. Full length trailers show a release date, whereas a teaser trailer will show "coming soon" or a similar effect. The main protagonist is also established in both trailers and sometimes the names of the actors are shown on both types of trailers. An age rating is clearly shown on both of the trailers, this is important because it helps to establish the target audience. The edits in a teaser trailer are much faster than a full length trailer, this is because of the time limit, and also the teaser trailer wants to create tension faster and entice the audience without giving away too much.

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