Sunday 17 October 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

Once we had received our questionnaire results back, we got together to analyse our results and see our findings to see what our audience wanted from our website and teaser trailer.

1.) We asked mainly females to fill in the questionnaire, so they were the majority against males. We asked a small percentage of males to see the interest levels from them but we found out that they were not interested in the romance genre.
2.) The age group with the highest amount was 15-20yrs. The links in to my core buyer profile and shows that we should reflect a typical teenager/young adults life.
3.) The favorite genre of film among our results was comedy. However, as a group we thought that we would not be able to achieve our full potential if we create a comedy. The second favorite was Romance, and as we feel we can create this at a better quality we have decided to produce a romance film.
4.)Most people we asked visit the cinema once a month. This means that our advertising campaign will have to be strong to gain a large target audience.
5.) After reading our synopsis, most people agreed that they would like to watch our film and trailer. This means that we don't have to make anymore changes o the synopsis to entice the audience.
6.) We received some suggestions like adding more action, a twist, or comedy. After discussing this we have decided that we are not going to include any of these elements as it would create a downfall in our work.
7.) Most people expected something to go wrong which creates drama and breakups in a romance film. People also agreed that a happy predictable ending was also a common romance theme.
8.)The colours that were most popular form connoting romance were Red, White, Pink and Black. Theses colours conotate different meaning when linked to love and help to show the happiness and upset in the romance film.
9.)Most people did not visit film website. This means we will have to included the website address in our trailer and other advertising methods to make to noticeable amongst the audience.
10.) The website were not used as people didn't know that they existed, which reinforces that fact that we have to include ours in a strong advertising campaign.
11.) Most of the suggestions we put on our questionnaire people wanted added to the website. The most unpopular was downloads, we feel that this is because people did know what this meant, and so it is debatable if i will included this in my website.
12.)We have no suggestions as to what to include in our website as our audience had no been using them.
13.) We found out that the audience did not mind if the film had come from a big or small institution, which means that our teaser trailer can follow our own small institution that we have created. This is so we don't become attached to a large production and means we are more feel in our choices to go against stereotypical conventions of we wish to.
14.) In a Romance movie people expect to feel emotion, they want tear jerkers so they can connect to it.
15.) People mainly see trailers at the cinema, or on TV. Another popular response was the advertising campaign, again meaning we need to included it on the TV or at a cinema.
16.) People don't read reviews before watching the film, which means that our film doesn't need any reviews before its ready for the audience.
17.) A trailer is the most popular way to make the film well known, meaning that we need to focus on persuasion techniques.
18.) We received different answers for our film choices, so we feel that we need to carry out more research before we decided on a name.

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