Thursday 14 October 2010

Letters to Juliet Teaser Trailer

The trailer opens and we see the institution for the film. This again gives us positiveness baout the film as it is produced by a well known group. The first shot we see is an establishing shot for the movie. This is also where the music starts and so its hsowns us that this important. We also hear a narrator for the trailer. We are introduced to the main proagoist and we see a couple of shots of her so the viewer can recognise who she is.
We are also introudeced to the story line and "myth" that runs in the story. We then see the protagonist with females, seeking advice. THis is a stereotypically thing to do when girls need help and helps to establish the genre of the trailer and movie. Ww are then introduces to the male protagonist, and as a viewer we see an instant connection between the male and female. The audience view the trio exploring as they search for someone and we also mostly see the young male and female together, showing a connection a being created. The trailer shows the release date for the film and this links to the title, as the background and colour scheme are set out like a letter, also like the letter the female protagonist found at the start. The next shot is of the male and female lying down on the grass, which hold typical links to a romance movie. We see them bonding and wonder what will happen. When we see the older lady find who she has been looking for, we see a mirrored resembelence in the younger couple, leading us to wonder what will happen. After that we see that the male has come to find the female, which leaves our minds wondering on what will happen in the film. The final sot shows us the title of the film as this is the most important for the audience to remember. The music for the trailer is also a song titled, "love story" and the songs lyrics connotate to juliet, showing a good comparison with the trailer soundtrack.

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