Sunday 17 October 2010

Advertising campiagn for Love Actually

The advertising poster, DVD cover and trailer all carry similarities from the advertising campaign. As you can see, the colour theme for the film is red, black and white. These colours contrast each other nicely and all have connotation links to love and Christmas, which is the seasonal time that this is set. We also recognise this by the poster use of Christmas trees in the background. The background of the poster is white, showing a link to the colour of snow and again leading us on to the time of year that this film was made. The DVD cover and poster both have the red ribbon and bow. This connotes presents again linking to Christmas, and also as the ribbon creates the affect that its all tied up together, we can see how links are created between the characters in the film. The DVD cover shows the names of the actors underneath a picture, however the poster doesn't do this. the names are also shown on the trailer, and again we see the way that all the characters link on the trailer. The DVD cover shows each person individually, this is to show the importance of each person in he film and again is continued throughout the trailer and film poster. The poster contains reviews and ratings, this is because its a persuasion technique to make people watch it, where as the DVD cover doesn't because most people would have brought it or heard the review by the time the DVD is released. The DVD cover and trailer also emphasise the other romantic movies that have been created under that institution, making it more recognisable for the viewer.

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