Thursday 14 October 2010

Valentines Day teaser trailer

I have chosen to analyse some Teaser trailers for the genre of Romance.
The first one i will analyse is Valentines Day.
I first notice that the trailer is only 50 seconds long. This is a typical convention of a teaser trailer and fits between the time limit of 30-90 seconds.
The fits shot we see, is the certification page. This allows the audience to have trust in the institution , as this page is well recognised when trailers are shown. This shot remains on the page for a while and there is no sound whilst it is on. We next see the institution for the film, this once again, gives us expectations of a good movie as it is a well recognised brand identity. As this shot is shown music starts. The music is energetic and fast and this sets the pace for the rest of the movie. The shot of the airoplane is then shown. This shows the establishing shot for the next scene. In this clip we see that the sky looks sunny and bright showing us that this movie will be happy and follow conventions of romance. We are next shown a clip of a male and female, and as this is a romance movie we presume that they are together. We can see that they are on the airplane and that they appear to be getting on well, typical of romance. We also notice that the male is wearing a suit. This makes him appear very masculine and also very dressed up, creating a strong contrast between the male and the female and showing the gender roles. The couple are laughing and joking showing that they are getting on well and that romanc eoculd blossom there. The music is also quieter when the characters are talking showing the importance of the speech. We then see the shot that tells us about other films directed by the director and as this is shown the lyrics for the song are "ive gotta feeling." This lyric relates to the movie as we can see that it about finding romance and the song is giving the audience a good vibe about it. The colours for the page are also black and white. These are contrasting colours and could be used to stand out, however they dont create much of a link between romance and the colours. Some of the text is also shown in bold making it stand out to the audience and portraying the importance of it. We then see the second couple shown. As they are in a bed this gives us and image of intamecy which stereotypically links the the romance genre. We also see the couple kiss, making the reader want to know more bout the film. The song continues to play and creates happiness in the trailer. We then see a girl sat around a table with older people. The set up for them shows that the girl is having an important conversation with the older people. We then here in this part that sex is mentoned. This stereotypically links to romance and makes us wonder what is going to happen and draws the reader in. The musica has a brief pause at the end of this clip before the penultimate clip is shown. This allows us to see a woman checking in to a hotel. As the woman say s"cheking in for 2" we automatically link the scene to romance. We then see thnat she has a dog with her and we wonder what has led her to this situation, again drawing in the reader. Finally we see the ends clips which show an image and the name of the actors involved. This is to help the audience regcognise them and by having biger stars makes the movie seem better. The text is again shown in black and white which allows us to create a link to what we saw before. The musica also continuses to play and the edits change in time with the music.

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