Wednesday 22 September 2010

Codes and Conventions of Romance

After watching some Teaser trailer for the genre of romance, i have found codes and conventions of a romantic teaser trailer to be;
  • The trailer follows a clip, text, clip,text format in most cases. However, if this is not seen then a voice over is usually used.
  • The main protagonist is established in the trailer, in romance this is usually the main male and female.
  • Most trailers show that a heartbreaking situation e.g betrayal, bereavement e.t.c usually occurs, a glimpse of this is shown in the teaser trailers.
  • Emotion is also shown in the trailer, this links to the genre as romance is known to be heartbreaking.
  • Todorovs theory is followed.
  • And a happy ending is normally found in romance genre.

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