Sunday 28 November 2010

Production logo

We decided that our logo would look much better produced on the computer, as it looks more professional. The original logo we had drawn was much harder to create on the computer and therefore we had to compromise with our design. We still feel that the new logo works as well as the original and represents our institution strongly. The red roses show the connotation of love and create a link to out institution name of "Rose and Thorn". As you can see, the roses also make the shape of a heart, this again link to the genre that our institution will be producing. The roses also face downwards showing that the love represented in our films may hold an unhappier side towards it. We have also decided to use and older font. The font is curly, like handwriting which links to stereotypical handwriting in love letters, as well as looking old to give the effect that our institution is well trusted as it has been around for a while.

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