Sunday 28 November 2010

External Factors Affecting Our Teaser Trailer

External factors, are things that affect our filming for the teaser trailer which are out of our control. There are a few external factors that we need to consider for our production.
  • The weather could be a problem for us as some of our shots are outside Eg the graveyard scene. We don't want it to be raining when we shoot the outside scene because it may completely change the mise en scene of the shot, and lead the viewer to believe that we are creating pathetic fallacy, when we are not. Also the rain may lead to technical issues as we don't want to ruin our camera for filming, it may also give a poor quality to the image we shoot.
  • We also need to gain permission for the use of the main soundtrack on our teaser trailer. This means that we need to contact the institution that owns the song. This may be difficult, as it is hard to find contact details for the right institution. Once we have asked for permission we may not receive a reply as they might be to busy or may not receive the email.
  • We shall also need to gain permission for the actors and locations that are used in our teaser trailer. We will need to create a consent form to be filled out by actors and owners of the land that we film on. If we don't receive permission we shall not be able to use that person or location in our filming. Alternatively, if the owner of the land or actor pulls of of filming, then we shall have to destroy all footage of the location or actor that we have shot. This makes our filming law-abiding.
  • Due to our low budget, we shall have very limited technology to work with. We have to work hard to produce a trailer that looks like its been made with a higher budget and hope that the limited resources we have doesn't fail us.

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