Wednesday 6 April 2011



I have completed my website, after referring to my target audience. I have made some improvements on it, i got these improvements from feedback from members of my target audience. I am now pleased with my website and feel it is ready for publishing. Here is the link for my website.


These are some screen prints of my website. I have continued to ask my target audience how it appeals to them through out making it so its suitable for my audience. I still have a few changed to make before the website is complete.

Final Teaser Trailer

We created a youtube account so that we could upload our teaser trailer and get more audience feedback. As the trailer is on youtube we shall be able to upload it to our website and blog. Youtube is a very well known popular video sites and that's why we have chosen to upload our teaser trailer to it rather than another site. This is the link for the teaser trailer.

Feedback From other groups

We showed our teaser trailer to our class to ee what they suggested we could improve on and find out what was good about it. We found out that the good things about our trailer were:

  • The clip, text, clip, text structure

  • The music connects to the narrative of the trailer

  • The music beat fits in time with the edits

  • Variety of shot lengths used

We also discussed point to improve on and found out that we need to:

  • Make the ending shot longer

  • Change the text font and colour to a more simple option

  • Add a close up of Chloes face when she is using her phone

  • Fade the end shot out.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Representation In Our Teaser Trailer

Throughtout our trailer we show many representations. The first of these is Gender. This is represented in a stereotypical way of how males and females are already precieved in society. We see Chloe, our main protagonist, as a vunerable woman who cant handle the situation she is in. In the romance genre it is typical to show a woman who needs help and that is weak so that a leading male can save her. We have portayed this in our trailer through the use of the mobile phone. When Chloe is in the bathroom she uses her mobile phone hinting that she needs to be saved. To relate to our target audience more we have also portrayed Chloe in a way that will relate to out target audience. As we are aiming the trailer at girls they will be able to connect if they are experiencing problems of theire own. We also show teenage life in our teaser trailer. This is shown through the emotions portrayed, and what has caused them to feel this way. Our target audience shall relate more to it because of this as they will have experienced some of those problems.